
Occasion instruments at MRO saxophones are carefully selected. Most instruments are  imported from the US by MRO saxophones and overhauled in-house before offering them for sale. Other instruments are presented in unrevised state:  you can have them overhauled by your own Technician.

For our imported Occasions we look for specific brands and models, but we also check the history and state of the instrument when possible. Every Occasion comes with a case, but excluding mouthpiece. Mouthpiece choise is different for each customer. We do have a small stock of mouthpieces for testing in-house as extra service. I recommend to always bring your own familiar mouthpiece when you come over to test an instrument.


Occasion or new instrument ????

This question is often leading during the search for an instrument. And often the quest for the Holy Grail ... ...

To make a statement: it is not possible to buy a good new instrument for € 300. Marketplace (NL) and eBay are full of many brand names, with the most fantastic stories and so-called reviews, but it is simply impossible to build a good quality instrument for that price. Not even in the Far East ..... These mass instruments are of dubious quality, poorly finished, very weak built and rattling on all sides. Yes: they shine beautifully, and that's the main reason why they are still being sold.
My advice: DON´T! It's a waste of your precious money! Resale value = zero .....

Another statement: Many professional musicians are still performing on a vintage instrument. There's a good reason ..... A vintage instrument ergonomic feel quite different when compared with a modern instrument, but you'll get used to it. The search for a suitable vintage instrument is often long and you have to try many brands and types to find the right match. This is an individual choise: depending on the style of play, the experience and the desired sound. The instrument and the set-up of your idol will usually not lead to the same sound on you ..... You must be in love with a instrument because it suits you, with all the inconveniences it has. You have to keep working and fighting with your instrument to find out what is possible. In return, you get your unique sound ......

Statement No. 3: The Internet is a source of information about instruments, but certainly not always correct. Through years of experience and extensive network MRO saxophones has a very broad knowledge of both vintage and modern saxophones and clarinets. I'm not perfect, however.... If you encounter faulty information on my website I kindly request you to inform me via email so that I can correct this. Thanks.....